Our school proudly supports the Queensland government's
Every day counts initiative and is firmly committed to improving student attendance at school.
Bell times
8.45am: First bell
8.50am: School starts
11.00am: First break (10 minutes supervised eating)
11.30am: End of play time
11.40am: Middle session starts
1.20pm: Second break (10 minutes supervised eating)
1.50pm: End of play time
2.00pm: Final school session
3.00pm: School finishes
Before school procedures
Please note the following procedures that are to be adhered to before school.
Students should not be on the school grounds before 8.15 am unless registered for and attending the before school care program in the hall.
Students unaccompanied by parents who arrive at school before 8.15 am are to wait outside the back of the school office until the teacher aides take them to their designated areas for supervised play:
Years 3 to 7 are on the oval.
Year 1 and 2 students go to junior play area near the forest plot.
Prep students are to wait with parents near their classrooms until the classroom doors have been opened by teachers.
Students may wait quietly outside the classroom if they are supervised until the first bell by the people who brought them to school.
Students do not drop their bags off at the classroom, they take their bags with them to their respective areas until the firs bell sounds.
Students may choose to go to the library as an alternate to the above playground areas.
No ball games while waiting.
School assemblies
Fridays at 2.30pm
Prep to year 3 classes alternate each week with years 4 to 7.
Whole school assemblies are held to observe, celebrate or commemorate special events.
Office hours
Monday to Friday: 8.00am to 4.00pm
Uniform store
Monday: 2.00pm to 3.00pm
Thursday: 8.00am to 9.00am
Out of school hours care
Monday to Friday
During school term
Before school: 6.00am to 8.30am
After school: 3.00pm to 6.00pm
During school vacation periods
6.00am to 6.00pm